Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Psst.. That Email Saying You Won the Facebook Lottery Was Sent by a Scammer

Facebook Lottery Email ScamCybercrooks have begun sending a new round of emails to unsuspecting Facebook users, claiming that they’ve won a Facebook Lottery.

The name of the lottery varies from email to email; here are some of the names used:

  • Facebook Group in Cash Promotion

  • Facebook Promo

  • Facebook 2011 Reward Program

  • Facebook Lottery Promotions for the year 2011

  • Facebook Privacy Control Anniversary Lottery

Like any phishing email that states you’ve won a lottery you’ve never heard of, the idea is to steal personal information from the recipient, like your name, address, phone number, email, gender, martial status, nationality, etc.

I’m sure such sensitive data will do a world of good for a crook that wants to indulge in bad behavior such as identity theft.

Of course, the sender’s email address can often help determine whether or not you’re looking at a legitimate email or a phishing email. Here are some of the addresses reportedly being used in the latest batch of Facebook lottery phishing emails:

  • Facebook[at]

  • facebooklottodepartment[at]

  • facebooklottooffice[at]

  • training[at]

  • facebooklotto.dpt2011[at]

Notice how NONE of them are coming from the domain?

Besides, as popular as Facebook is, I’m sure news companies would’ve caught wind of this mysterious lottery drawing that Facebook was holding. After all, over 800 million people have accounts on Facebook - which ultimately translates to plenty of potential victims for scammers.

Here are a few examples of the Facebook lottery phishing emails being sent out:

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
Final draws held on the (1st October 2011) by Face book group in cash
Promotion to encourage the usage of Face book world wide, your
javascript:void(0)Name was among the 20 Lucky winners who won
$600.000.00USD (six hundred thousand united state dollars) each on the
Face book group promotion Award Attached to ticket number (5647600545189)
and Ref No (2551256002/244) Serial Number (55643451907).

The online draws was Conducted by a random selection of email you where
picked by an Advanced automated random computer search from the Face book
in other To claim your $600.000.00USD
the lottery program which is a new innovation by Face book, is aimed at
saying A BIG THANK YOU to all our users for making Face book their number
one means to connect, communicate,relate and hook up with their families
and friends over the years.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants and Scam artists
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn
over 20,000 companies' and 30,000,000 individuals' email addresses and
names from all over the world. This promotional program takes place every
three years.You have to be Rest assured that this is Real and Legal..and
there are Some Scam artists around...Thanks to the FBI...216 of them have
been arrested... The software corporation to encourage some few
individuals with web site and email addresses promoted this lottery.

Your name was selected in a raffle that was made 3rd 0f October 2011 so we
need your fast response so that we can proceed with the delivery of your
fund .

You are required to contact our dispatch dept via email
( with information below in order for us
to complete your winning certificate and for further information
the disbursement of your lottery win.


All winnings must be claimed not later than 30 of October, 2011. After this
date, all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. To avoid
unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your
reference and batch numbers in all correspondences. Furthermore, if there
is any change in email address please contact us on time

Note: Do not reply to these Face Book Account for security purpose reply
to the payment department in charge and if you are not interested please
do not bother to reply.

To enable him issue you certificate of winning Accept my hearty
congratulations once again


Patrick Widen
Promo Coordinator.

Another version of the phishing email leaves you wanting a bit more information:
Dear Winner,

Congratulations, You have been rewarded $2,000,000.00 on the Facebook 2011
Reward Program, your support has kept us alive and strong as we reach a record
600 Million Users.

Kindly contact Mrs. Anne Smith with Reference Number: FP/9965428 to claim your
Telephone: +44-787-228-2315 (24 Hours Services)

For security purpose, send an email to the above stated email address with your
contact details or call the above number to claim reward.

Best Regards,
Facebook Team.
Facebook ©

Remember not to play with internet scammers, folks!

If you receive an email similar to the ones outlined above, feel free to ignore it. You won’t be missing much.

Happy Facebooking!

Photo Credit: Max-B

Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @hyphenet or “Like” us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest computer security threats.

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