If not, you may receive an invite to participate in your inbox anyway, as spammers wouldn’t dare miss the opportunity to keep you guessing whether or not that email claiming to be a Halloween card really is a trick or treat.
Unfortunately if the email subject reads, “Someone Sent You a Halloween eCard!” then it’s likely a trick leading you down a dark path that will result in a spyware/adware infection.
The trick-filled Halloween themed spam reads:
Subject: Someone Sent You a Halloween eCard!
From: Haľlôwȩȩn êCařd (halloween.ecardvyipa@minibizhost.net)
Someone Sent you a Halloween eCard !
Șend onê of your own Halloween eCards !
Ştar iη your õwn eĈard tŏ send!
Makē a Video eCard
View Your Card
Please click heře, if you no longer wȋsh tö receive emails from us oŕ wřite to
My Fun Cards Onė Nòrth Lexington 9th Flooř Whitě Plaîns, NY 10601
(c) 2011 My Fun Cards. All Rǐghts Reserved.
Sounds like quite the treat, right?
That treat is wrapped in tricks, as MyFunCards comes bundled with MyWebSearch, which will bog down your computer with unwanted pop-up advertisements, web search redirects and altered IE browser settings.
If that isn’t bad enough, releasing your PC from the clutches of the MyWebSearch spyware/adware can be quite the hassle and will likely require assistance from an antispyware program.
Be sure to steer clear of MyFunCards to avoid having your PC flooded with spyware/adware and stay on the lookout for other Halloween themed spam.
Have a safe, Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin Photo Credit: indigoprime
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