Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet the NOKIA Lottery Star Prize Winner Email Phishing Scam

Nokia Phishing Email ScamYippee skippee!

I’ve won 3 million British Pounds and a BRAND NEW CAR according to the latest phishing email scam.

Yes, apparently scammers have been using NOKIA’s name in phishing scams for years. The phishing scam has even been known to reach people on their cellphones via SMS messages.

Interestingly enough, the car offered in my copy of the phishing email is a 2011 and not a 2012 – I mean the year is almost over, right? Wouldn’t it make more sense to offer next year’s model?

Ah well, such a mistake is to be expected of an internet scammer.

Like any other phishing email scam, the crooks want you to fork over personal information in order to collect the prizes.  (I’m still wondering how my gender would be relevant to any of the gift giving.)

Here’s the copy of the Nokia phishing email received:
Dear Winner,

The Board of Directors, members of staff and the International Awareness Promotion Department of the NOKIA, wishes to congratulate you on your success as the STAR PRIZE WINNER in the 2011 Year Promotion sterling on NOKIA held on the 1st of October, 2011 in London, England

This makes you the proud owner of a brand new Toyota Camry 2011 model, NOKIA
N8 GSM and a cash
prize of 3,000,000.00 GBP (Three Million Great British Pounds), To file for your claims kindly send an email or call our Nokia agent

Fill the form below:

1, Name;...
2, country:...
3, occupation:...
4, age:...
5, sex:...
6, postaladdress:...
7, phone Numbers...

Mr. Donald Flack
Tel: +447024085593

Congratulations once more, from nokia web-online balloting selection.

Mrs Elizabeth Wallace

For the record: NOKIA does not hold any lottery drawings and they definitely do not give away cars or large sums of money.

Even if they did, I’m sure the notification email would come from some kind of NOKIA domain address, not ‘nokiaoffice.nokia1[at]’, and they wouldn’t be including a Yahoo! email address in their signature.

Don't fall for this phishing scam, folks.

Have you received a NOKIA phishing scam email? Share your experience below!

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