Thursday, February 20, 2014

PayPal Transaction Declined Phishing Scam

Another phishing scam is out, an email claiming to come from PayPal stating that a transaction was declined because of recent activity on the recipient’s account seems to be unusual.
The email guides users to reprocess their payment with an attached file form to confirm account information.
The email looks like this:

Subject: Your transaction was declined
Recently, there’s been activity in your account that seems unusual compared to your normal activities. We’re concerned that someone is using your PayPal account without your knowledge.
Recent activity on your account seems to have occurred from a suspicious location or under circumstances that may be different to usual.
What to do ? The best way to resolve this and avoid it happening again is to confirm information you provided when you created your account to make sure that you’re the account holder . You can do that now.
The secure way to confirm your account information:
1. Download the attached Document.
2. Open the document in a browser window secure.
3. Follow the instructions to Confirm that you are the account holder.
Yours sincerely, PayPal


The email has PayPal’s logo and is professionally formatted so it gives the illusion of being genuine.
The email explains that, in order to fix this issue, the recipient must open an attached file and fill in a form the confirms the information provided to the account.
This phishing scam, steals PayPal login information with personal and financial details.
For those who do open the attached file, the login page closely mimics the real PayPal website.
After the user enters their login information, they are taken to a second page that asks for their personal contact information.
The fake forms even run a php error check to ensure the victims have input the correct types of data.
If you receive a PayPal phishing scam, please submit it to the company for analysis.  Go directly to the PayPal website and submit a claim.
It’s good to keep in mind, PayPal emails ALWAYS address you by your first and last name or business name.  They will never send you an email with a generic greeting such as ‘Dear Customer’.

PayPal ‘Your Transaction was Declined’ Phishing Scam – Hoax-Slayer

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