Monday, December 2, 2013

Why is (HTTPS) important on Cyber Monday?


(HTTPS) stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This means the computer network is secure and uses encryption keys to exchange data between the client and server.

Seeing HTTPS in your web browser shows you the site is authenticated and you are safe against man-in-the-middle attacks, such as phishing or malicious sites.


Many consumers are online participating in Cyber Monday shopping this second. Cyber Monday is the perfect time for cybercriminals to take advantage of ambitious shoppers paying more attention to getting “the deal” instead of watching out for their security.

Most websites begin with http:// but if you are purchasing something and entering private data, the browser should always contain a https://. If you don’t see the “s” then you can not be certain your information is secure.

Also a “lock” symbol should appear in the lower-right corner of the check-out page.


It is warned there will be a 60 percent spike in cyber attacks this shopping season. Payment fraud, mobile and online account hijacking, and Denial of Service attacks are some issues that will come along with Cyber Monday scams.

Key Points to Remember on Cyber Monday:
  1. Don’t Click on Pop-up Ads – Malicious pop-up ads are one of the largest threats to web shoppers.
  2. Keep Software Up-To-Date -  Update your software as soon as new features become available.  Updating once a week is advised to avoid security holes.
  3. Use Strong Passwords – Never use birthdays, family names, or consecutive numbers for passwords.  If your password is easy to remember, it is easy to hack.  Check out our guide:  How to Create a Secure Password.
  4. Install Antivirus and Anti-Spyware Software – When shopping, you don’t want others to track the websites you’ve visited.  Here are the 5 Best Free Antivirus Software Options.
  5. Enable “Timeouts” on Mobile - If you are a consumer that is doing your holiday shopping on your mobile phone, enable a lock screen password, in case your device is lost or stolen.
  6. Use a Secure Connection – Any online financial transactions should be made on a private Wi-Fi connection.  Coffee shops and library’s are vulnerable to attacks.
  7. Avoid Email Advertisements – Don’t click on e-mail advertisements and promotions from your inbox.  Go directly to the site to avoid fake links.
  8. Shop at Companies You Know - Check the rating and number of sales for sites, make sure they have a good return policy and contact information.  You can check the company’s legitimacy through the Better Business Bureau.
  9. Use Credit, Not Debit – Using your credit card for purchases gives you more insurance protection on fraudulent claims.  
  10. Ensure Your Site Is Secure – Be sure the URL begins with https:// as oppesed to http:// and has a lock in the browser’s search bar.
  11. Be Wary of Charity Sites – Check the legitimacy of charity websites, there are a lot of phony charities aiming to take your money to only help themselves.
  12. Check You Location and Privacy Settings – Turn off the location sharing on your device.  Many apps and websites will automatically share your GPS location by default.
  13. Check Your Statements Frequently - Some hackers will make small purchases on your credit card to avoid detection.  Stay on top of your account and check your statements often.
  14. Add Browser Extensions and Security Apps -  Pop-up blockers and malware detection extensions will give you extra security.  Use some of these free tools: 8 Best Free Tools for Internet Security.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @hyphenet or “Like” us on Facebook. You know you want to.

Http vs. Https: What’s the difference? – MSDN
14 Tips to Avoid Cyber Monday Scams – Mashable

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