Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Growth of Quantum Communications… and Microwaves?


Quantum computing is still underdeveloped but experiments carried out with quantum operations through national governments and military funding are on their way to cryptanalysis.  The growth of the most sophisticated computer systems today.

Researchers at JILA, an institute of the University of Colorado at Boulder, are demonstrating quantum complexity between the motion of a minuscule mechanical drum and a microwave field.

This could be key to designing quantum processors and other precision instruments alike.

The researchers of University of California Santa Barbara, first demonstrated quantum superposition in an object that could be seen with the naked eye, in 2010.

The JILA experiment “is about hybrid quantum systems, or trying to do quantum mechanics with mechanical systems,” Andrew Cleland, the UCSB physics professor who led the 2010 experiment on which JILA’s work is based.



Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when groups of particles are generated and interact relative to each other.

Groups of particles interact in one way, as their quantum states correlate as a counterpart.
This video below shows you that dance of Quantum Entanglement by Iqoqi Wien.


At JILA, researchers cooled down a drum to its ground state at its lowest energy level.  They hit it with a microwave field, causing it to give off a microwave pulse.  The pulse was then measured, and coupled with an mechanical oscillator or a drum.

The pulses generated were able to be measured by commercial microwave test equipment.
Quantum computers run on algorithms at super fast speeds.  Computers rely on transistory that hold memory in binary ones and zeros.  A quantum computer, uses subatomic particles called qubits that can be a one, a zero, or both simultaneously.

Large-scale quantum computers will be able to solve certain problems beyond a classic computers ability.  This is really ground-breaking technology.  It is predicted by 2015, we will be using quantum computers along side classic computers.

Here is an infographic from the University of Cambridge explaining in more depth what a quantum computer is and how the network works.


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Researchers Beat Drum for Quantum Communications – Tech News World
October 7, 2013
Quantum Computer Passes Math Test, But Doesn’t Answer the Big Question – WIRED

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